how to tell if your dog is pregnant at home

how to tell if your dog is pregnant at home

How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant at Home: A Comprehensive Guide


Hey readers!

Are you a proud dog owner who’s eagerly anticipating the arrival of new furry family members? If so, this detailed guide will empower you with the knowledge to determine if your beloved canine companion is expecting a litter. By observing physical and behavioral changes, coupled with simple at-home techniques, you can gain a clear understanding of your dog’s pregnancy status.

Physical Changes

Enlarged Abdomen

As your dog’s pregnancy progresses, her abdomen will gradually expand due to the growing pups within. This noticeable enlargement typically becomes apparent around the third or fourth week of gestation and continues throughout the pregnancy.

Weight Gain

A pregnant dog will experience weight gain due to the developing fetuses, amniotic fluid, and increased blood volume. Monitor your dog’s weight regularly to track her progress and ensure that she’s gaining an appropriate amount.

Breast Enlargement

During the latter stages of pregnancy, your dog’s mammary glands will swell and become visible. This indicates that the body is preparing for milk production.

Behavioral Changes**

Changes in Appetite

Nesting behavior is a common sign of pregnancy in dogs. As your dog prepares for the upcoming birth, she may begin collecting blankets, toys, or other soft materials to create a comfortable den.


As the pregnancy advances, your dog may experience increased fatigue and lethargy due to the physical demands of supporting the developing pups.


Pregnant dogs often become more sensitive and protective of themselves and their unborn litter. They may seek more attention and affection from their owners.

Other Signs


Morning sickness, also known as “canine morning sickness,” is common in pregnant dogs. It typically occurs during the first few weeks of gestation.

Clear Discharge

A clear, watery discharge from the vulva is a sign of approaching labor. If you observe this discharge, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian immediately.

At-Home Tests**

Home Pregnancy Test

While not as accurate as a veterinary test, home pregnancy tests for dogs are available over-the-counter. These tests detect the presence of relaxin, a hormone produced during pregnancy.

Palpation Test

With gentle care, you can perform a palpation test at home. Approximately 25-30 days into the pregnancy, you may feel small, marble-like lumps within your dog’s abdomen.

Blood Test

The most accurate way to determine if your dog is pregnant is through a blood test. A veterinarian can perform this test as early as 21 days after conception.

Gestation Periods for Common Dog Breeds

Breed Gestation Period (days)
Chihuahua 63-70
Bulldog 60-66
Golden Retriever 58-68
Beagle 59-63
Poodle 60-66


Congratulations on this exciting chapter in your dog’s life! By observing the physical changes, behavioral traits, and utilizing simple at-home tests, you can confidently determine if your beloved companion is expecting a litter. Remember, it’s always advisable to consult with your trusted veterinarian for professional guidance and support. For more insightful articles on dog care and health, be sure to explore other sections of our website.

FAQ about How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant at Home

1. What are the early signs of pregnancy in dogs?

A: Early signs of pregnancy in dogs include increased appetite, weight gain, and swollen nipples.

2. How soon can you tell if your dog is pregnant?

A: You can typically tell if your dog is pregnant after about 3 weeks, when her abdomen begins to swell.

3. What should I look for when checking my dog’s abdomen for pregnancy?

A: When checking your dog’s abdomen for pregnancy, gently palpate her belly and feel for small, marble-sized lumps, which are the puppies.

4. How long does dog pregnancy last?

A: Dog pregnancy normally lasts for 58-68 days, with an average of 63 days.

5. What are the signs that labor is approaching?

A: Signs that labor is approaching include nesting behavior, increased restlessness, and loss of appetite.

6. What should I do if I think my dog is pregnant?

A: If you think your dog is pregnant, it’s important to schedule a veterinary appointment to confirm the pregnancy and discuss prenatal care.

7. How do I care for my pregnant dog?

A: To care for your pregnant dog, provide her with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of rest.

8. What should I avoid doing when my dog is pregnant?

A: Avoid overfeeding your pregnant dog, giving her any medications without consulting your veterinarian, and exposing her to strenuous activity.

9. How can I tell if my dog is having a false pregnancy?

A: Signs of a false pregnancy in dogs include swollen nipples, milk production, and nesting behavior without an actual pregnancy.

10. When should I contact my veterinarian?

A: Contact your veterinarian if you suspect your dog is pregnant, if she shows any signs of illness or discomfort, or if labor is prolonged or difficult.
